Welcome to the machine room. Whether it’s a sparkling idea, a long anticipated feature wish or a crucial fix, here’s where we let you know what we are working on. We show you the progress.
Fluorescence by The VFD Collective
New Feature: Color Preset Shuffle
Feelin' indecisive or perfectly lazy? Let Fluorescence shuffle through static and dynamic presets all by itself, whatever it wants. But you’ll like it!
New Feature: Moments of Bliss for Fluorescence
New Feature: Fully Customizable Static Presets
Enjoy your own color creation you just figured out on the color wheel? Add and keep it with the static presets! Preset is not your cup of tea? Not a problem, let’s just get rid of it. With fully customizable static presets you can manage your own list of static color presets.
under the hood: LED Handler Platform Independency
The firmware of Fluorescence is becoming more modular. That’s a great thing, because not only it makes shuffling possible, but also it means that it will be easier to tear the firmware apart - easier to dive in, or easier to add your own bit of awesomeness to the firmware. More precisely we’ll start with the LED Routine, (have a look HERE in case you want to know what it is), that will now be modular and kept in separate files, namely LED.h/LED.c. Our aim is to become platform independent, and we’ll start small!
You see that we both create new features and work on improvements under the hood, that are by no mean less exciting. Here’s what the steps mean in detail:
Promising Idea: If it’s an idea, we are putting the idea, the vision in concrete terms. As for bug fix requests or feature requests that means we have decided to implement it
Dev Hired: It’s the main stage where we work hard to dig in, investigate, gather resources, research, design, implement and test our idea. We’ll spend most of the time here
Final Polishes: It’s awesome already, but we settle for fantastic and are making our final polishes before we let it go into the giant, big world. In this stage, software updates may be published as beta releases
Ready To Deploy: May we have your attention: We are releasing it. We can’t be more excited for you to try it out and hope we haven’t missed anything. Software updates are published as stable releases