Fluorescence by THE VFD COLLECTIVE is a digital clock with vacuum fluorescent tube displays
Fluorescence by THE VFD COLLECTIVE is a digital clock with vacuum fluorescent tube displays
It's the focus on what is most essential. We believe it is color and passion.
To get this experience, we use a timeful acrylic enclosure design.
Be a dreamer. Light up the world around you with perfect colors by the lights of FLUORESCENCE
Six of these little lamps, LEDs make Fluorescence by THE VFD COLLECTIVE shine in different colors. To be precise, you have the power to choose from 99.488.250 different color combinations. That's almost 100 million!
We went on a discovery trip through the color spectrum and found some of the most magical colors that harmonize with the acrylic glass and the tubes. Packed in predefined patterns, they're ready to be unleashed at the touch of a button:
Spectrum fade: Cycle smoothly through the color palette
Cross spectrum fade: Let each single LED cycle smoothly through the palette
The LEDs are ready to dance on to the tunes you love most. So instead of just hearing them, you'll also see them. Fluorescence by THE VFD COLLECTIVE turns your song into intense dancing light patterns reacting to beat & rhythm.
We're calculating the right mood based on the colors of your computer monitor*. When you're immersed into a movie scene, Fluorescence by THE VFD COLLECTIVE will generate matching ambient light colors. You will feel being right in it. Raw. Authentic.
Each and every tube is statically driven by individual microchips, delivering intense,
uncompromising and flicker free brightness.
Widely used, inexpensive,
producing visible flicker
Our solution: static driving.
With maximum brightness
Of course, the clock of Fluorescence by THE VFD COLLECTIVE is ridiculously accurate
Powered by a Maxim® real time clock with a temperature compensated crystal oscillator
you will love the fact of not having to set time, ever again (1)
The sensitive internal circuitry of FLUORESCENCE is overvoltage, undervoltage and reverse polarity protected, up to 30V. Every power rail is current limited by precise PPTC fuses that shut down parts of FLUORESCENCE securely when improper operation (e.g. short circuit) is detected
The heart of FLUORESCENCE is a both reliable and powerful Atmel® AVR® processor, always ready to create beautiful color patterns while keeping the time and processing much, much more simultaneously
Arduino® Uno is a popular choice to make great things happen. The good news: FLUORESCENCE is based on OpenVFD, which is Arduino® Uno compatible, one hundred percent. When developing, you will feel like working on a regular Uno!
Using state of the art power management circuits from Texas Instruments®, Fluorescence by THE VFD COLLECTIVE delivers high power requirements by the tubes with maximum efficiency of at least 90%, at any time
Transparent not only from the acrylic glass. It's important to us, that's why we think it's important to you. FLUORESCENCE is based on the powerful open source OpenVFD platform. Everyone can join. We'd love to develop with you!
See us creating FLUORESCENCE. We help and encourage you to create your own VFD tube clock using our powerful OpenVFD foundation and provide everything for you to do that. Be a part of The VFD Collective and share your work with the community!